How Often Should You Check Emergency Lighting?

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How Often Should You Check Emergency Lighting?

How Often Should You Check Emergency Lighting?

Emergency lighting is put in place to come on if there is a power cut or other emergency in properties. It should come on automatically in response to the emergency and provides several benefits. Its primary role is to help people escape the building if the power goes out.

Types of Emergency Lighting

Emergency lighting is used in many different ways. Firstly, it could be used to light the exits or escape routes in the event of an emergency. Secondly, it could be used to highlight important high-risk areas during an emergency, these are areas where dangerous situations could occur in an emergency and need to be shut down safely first.

Testing Cycles

As with all of your other emergency systems it is important to ensure that your lighting system is check and maintained regularly. You want to make sure that when it comes to an emergency it is going to work. Exactly what needs to be done will depend on the type of lighting system that is being used, but generally, it will need to be checked regularly.

Monthly Testing

You will want to perform a quick test of the emergency lighting every month. This just involves using your test key to ensure that the lighting illuminates during a power outage as you would expect. Once the key is inserted check that all emergency lights come on. When the power is restored then check that all the emergency lights start charging again as you would expect. Make sure that all casings are clean and undamaged. If there are any failures or problems, then make sure they are addressed as soon as possible.

Annual Testing

Once per year you need to do a ‘full duration test’. This involves running the emergency lighting for the full period that it is rated for. If you have a 3-hour backup lighting system, then this means that you need to run it for the full 3 hours. You should make sure to inform your residents about this test beforehand and you will have to check that all of the lights last for the full duration. Again, if any fail or there is any other problems then you will need to get it addressed as soon as possible.

When to Do the Tests

When selecting the best time to do the tests you need to think carefully about when to run them. The riskiest time for any system is just after you have performed a test when the batteries are not yet fully recharged. You should also think about the time of day tests are carried out. It makes more sense to check lighting during the hours of darkness as you will better be able to evaluate its effectiveness. This might require careful coordination with any residents to ensure that their occupation of the premises isn’t unduly interrupted. It may make sense to coordinate with other annual maintenance activities.


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